Toronto Designer's Market - TDM - August 18th


Bisa Lisa Studio at Toronto Designers Market.

Sunday, August 18th 11am - 6pm
1605 Queen St W

What a great day out! This store is such an incredible local artist supporter; from jewelry makers to fashion designers, you can walk through and find some unique pieces for your home or closet.

I also met a new social media friend Garrick The DJ who showed me amazing support by coming down and checking my art in person and sharing his love for it. Check him out at @GarrickTheDJ or often in the Sheraton Centre Lobby.

I met another local artist by the name of Amrita Virdi @amritaelixirart who showed me her unique collage art and new studio space next to the TDM (Toronto Designer’s Market). The studio space was shared with Emily May Rose @emilymayrose, whose raccoon art was super adorable and creative.

Most importantly, I had a few close friend supporters who came out and showed me some love. Thank you guys, you know who you are, for being so frikkin awesome. I need you in my life. Means the world when you come out and make me feel like I’m doing a good job.

Thanks to Marcus at @torontodesignersmarket for being a rockstar! Keep supporting us cause we love you for it!

Beatris Bogomilova